Time series with a sampling error component


This document reproduces with rjd3sts the example N°6 of the paper:

Bell W.R. (2011). REGCMPNT - A Fortran Program for Regression Models with ARIMA Component Errors. Journal of Statistical Software. Volume 41, Issue 7.

Details on the considered model can be retrieved from the original paper (pages 17-20).

Definition of the model in rjd3sts

Remark: the code presented below will be further simplified (the definition of the equation will be suppressed, as it is already the case for non-weighted state components).


# create the model
# create the components and add them to the model

# airline block
airline<-rjd3sts::sarima("airline", 12, c(0,1,1), c(0,1,1))
# fixed AR model for the sampling error
ar<-rjd3sts::ar("ar", ar=c(0.6, 0.246), fixedar=TRUE, variance=0.34488, fixedvariance=TRUE)

rjd3sts::add(model, airline)
rjd3sts::add(model, ar)

# creation of the unique equation
rjd3sts::add_equation(eq, "airline")
rjd3sts::add_equation(eq, "ar", loading = rjd3sts::var_loading(pos=0, weights = h))
rjd3sts::add(model, eq)

# estimate the model
# it is important to note that we don't use the concentrated likelihood (which is the default option,
# faster and more stable)
# In this case the optimization procedure is BFGS instead of Levenberg-Marquardt.

rslt<-rjd3sts::estimate(model, y, concentrated=FALSE)

Main results

Estimated parameters

#> Airline:
#> Innovation variance:  0.005302598
#> theta:  -0.4695642
#> btheta:  -0.4222849

Original series (solid) and signal extraction estimates (dashed)

data<-cbind(nr055, exp(q[,1]))
matplot(data, type='l')

Signal extraction estimates of the sampling error

plot(noise, type='l')

Sampling error and signal extraction error

data<-cbind(h, qe[,2])
matplot(data, type='l')

CV improvvement due to signal extraction

plot(improvement, type='l')